This recipe is made for the Ball FreshTECH countertop jam cooker. You can get similar results (and a bigger yield) following the instructions for strawberry jam in the Ball or Certo pectin boxes. The secret is the ratio of purée to smashed strawberries; using vanilla-scented sugar, and the addition of tiny wild strawberries.
1 qt. ripe strawberries, preferably from a local farm stand
3 T. powdered Ball pectin
½ t. butter
3 1/3 c. vanilla sugar (sugar that’s been stored with a vanilla bean buried in it)
¼ c. of wild strawberries, stemmed, washed and dried
Wash the local strawberries and let them dry in a colander.
Core the strawberries and sort them, separating the very smallest from the larger ones.
Mash enough of the larger berries to measure 1 2/3 cups of thick purée.
Take the separated smallest berries and pinch them with your fingers into a measuring cup, so they are sloppy hunks, enough to make 1 cup.
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(You will have extra strawberries which you can use for a second batch.)
Sprinkle the pectin powder over the bottom of the FreshTECH cooker. Pour in the strawberry purée and the crushed small berries. Add the butter. Turn the machine on using the ‘jam” setting. Cover.
When the beep sounds (after @ four minutes) take the lid off. While the paddle continues to turn pour the sugar evenly over all. Replace the lid.
After 10 minutes add the whole wild strawberries.
The final beeps will sound about 10 minutes later. Remove the lid, skim off any accumulated foam.
Ladle into sterilized jars and process in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes.
Add 1 T. of vinegar to the boiling water, it makes the jars shinier.