The good folks at OXO have made my holiday entertaining just a little bit easier by sharing their new hand-held mixer. One for me and one for Andrea at Let Loose Littell who won our little contest.
I referenced this peppermint whipped cream recipe in my little chat with Julia Child — and you'll recall she thought the whole notion splendid. So here it is all laid out for you.
The timing was perfect — OXO sent me this hand mixer for free (in return for me writing about it) and I used it to whip the cream. And… it was easier than using a whisk and noticably quicker! I need only have spun this gizmo for a minute before soft peaks formed.
This isn't the first time I've been delighted by OXO's gadgets. Their corn cutter is a real delight, and the mango peeler has become my go-to tool, although you'll see some of the commenters on YouTube feel otherswise.
But back to the Peppermint Cream recipe. This is yet another simply spectacularly delicious treatment: whipped cream, a bit of vanilla extract and some crushed peppermint candy. Let me spell it out for you:
Peppermint Cream
1 c. heavy cream
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4 T. pulverized peppermint candy (ribbon candy and candy canes are nice choices)
Whip the cream until fluffy with soft peaks — ideally with a new OXO hand beater but whisks and electric mixers still work as well as they always have. When it's all like a billowy cloud add the vanilla. Hold back a bit of the candy bits for garnish; use a spatula to fold in the rest of the shards. Spoon into a serving bowl and garnish with a dusting of the last sugary sparkles of crushed candy.
Serve with a smile gently murmuring Mit Pfefferminzschlagsahne, Liebling?