1 cup pitted yellow cherries
2 ripe purple plums
1 T. cognac
2 c. light cream
4 eggs + 2 egg yolks
1/3 c. almond flour
1/3 c. regular flour
1/3 c. superfine sugar
2 T. pignoli
pinch of cinnamon
pinch of nutmeg
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confectioners' sugar
Pit the cherries and slice the plums into slivers. Mix with the cognac and let macerate.
In a mixer slowly beat the cream. the two flours, the superfine sugar, eggs and yolks and spices. Refrigerate 'til ready to use.
Carefully toast the pignoli.
Forty five minutes before you plan to serve it, preheat the oven to 350°. Butter a clafouti pan or similar-sized shallow baking pan — this goes from oven to table to pick something pretty.
Drain the fruit of the accumulated juices and booze. Otherwise the clafouti would be too soupy.
Layer the fruit evenly around the buttered baking pan. Pour the batter over the fruit. Sprinkle the pignoli evenly around the top.
Pop in the oven. After 45 minutes you'll have a puffy, egg, springy custardy clafouti. Have the confectioners' sugar and a sieve at the ready, give it a good snow storm of powdered and serve immediately because this is another of those desserts that deflate. Don't get me wrong, it's awfully good at room temperature, and I imagine that it'd still be delicious if you had any refrigerated leftovers, but that's not been the case here.