The Cuisinart ice cream maker is a ticket to frozen bliss. And this Simply Spectacularly Delicious (SSD) technique for Blueberry Semifreddo, an elegant diversion from the more common ice cream, can easily be adapted to showcase any of summer's achingly perfect fruit.
All that's required is a quart of ripe fruit, one can of sweetened condensed milk and 1 t. of vanilla extract. The condensed milk provides all the sweetness needed. If you have time to plan ahead, freeze the prepared fruit first as it will speed up the freezing time in the machine. Blueberries are at their peak now and only need be rinsed and picked over for stems and such. Peaches will be here soon (these I'll peel and slice), plums and nectarines will be just fine without peeling.
Recipe: Purée well one quart of fruit with one can of sweetened condensed milk and one t. vanilla extract. Give it a good spin, the smoother the better. The rest of the hard lifting is taken care of by the ice cream maker. In 30 minutes you'll have a lovely, intensely fruity, creamy dessert. I spread this batch about 1 1/2" thick in a shallow pan and let it harden further in the freezer. From here you can scoop it like ice cream or maybe you'll slice it into neat squares the same size as a slice of pound cake.
As this was July 4th, I used a large star cutter for each serving and set upon some bright strawberries with my beloved cornichon slicer to make decorative fans.
Our hostess, the ever-stylish Liz Weiss, added the final touch with confectioners' sugar dusted brownies and light-as-air butter cookies There you have it: a red, white and blue delight.
Why have I dubbed this a semifreddo? Truth be told, I initially billed it as a gelato. Everyone fawned over it without reservation. But then… upon sharing the simple ingredients, he-who-shall-remain-nameless laid on a derisive dismissal, calling it a "Frozen Dessert," replete with condescending allusions to Cool Whip.
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Next day, reading up on gelato, I did find that this was not precisely the best example of that genre. Now everyone knows the right name makes all the difference. Just ask Paul Hewson (Bono) or Gordon Summer (Sting). Look what happened when Brad's Drink was rechristened Pepsi Cola and the bland Salton Cooker traded up to the extravagant George Foreman's Lean Mean Fat Reducing Grilling Machine.
Clearly my nascent star needed a new name. The Semifreddos are the most welcoming of the extended family of ice creams, gelatos, sorbets, frozen custards and the like. Semifreddo: exotic, elegant, with a hard to pin down European accent. Hence Blueberry Semifreddo (née Gelato) became my Hedwig Eva Maria Kiesler, subsequently transformed into Hedy Lamarr, the acknowledged "most beautiful girl in the world" in her Hollywood heyday.
This easy, one-two-three dessert (prepare fruit, food process with condensed milk, give it a ride in the ice cream machine) shall be now be as Spectacularly Delicious Blueberry Semifreddo.
Go ahead, knock yourself out and give it a try.