Here's a Simply Spectacularly Delicious recipe for taking White Chocolate Mousse to the third power – divide it up and give each treatment its own presentation and violá, you have an enchanting offering of different delicacies to delight any palate.
My young friends Miranda and Georgia were coming for dinner, and after the success of last summer's Chocolate Mousse of the Gods I'd already set the bar kind of high. As I have a pretty good handle on what these little girls (and their mother) like, my prediction that this would be a hit was right on target.
In retrospect, I wonder if the spirit of George Balanchine might have had a guiding hand in the creation of these meditations on a theme. After all, the girls' grandmother is the storied prima ballerina Allegra Kent. Even 50 years after its debut, the memory of Ms. Kent's legendary performances of modernist classic lives on. And then there was Agon's ground-breaking casting of a black male lead dancer partnering Ms. Kent's other-worldly luminosity, both sheathed in the simplest black and white costumes — were my flecks of dark chocolate in the mousse but faint echoes of this masterpiece? More importantly, am I actually comparing my little dessert trio to that timeless Balanchine-Stravinsky masterpiece?
The answer to all is yes.
So unleash your own artistry with this trio of variations on White Chocolate Mousse. Better still, I hope this recipe will inspire you to choreograph your own melodic pas de deux of flavor and texture.
RECIPE: White Chocolate Mousse with Three Variations
1 packet of unflavored gelatin sprinkled over 4 T. water and let to sit for 5 minutes
7 oz. premium white chocolate, chopped into tiniest flakes in a food processor
1 c. + 1/2 c. heavy cream
Bring 1/2 cup heavy cream to the boil in a sauce pan. With the blade running on low speed in your food processor holding the white chocolate flakes, cut in the now-thickened gelatin/water mix. Then pour in the hot cream in a thin stream. Pause a few times to scrape the sides of the bowl so the white chocolate melts and mixes completely with the cream.
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In a separate bowl, whip 1 cup of heavy cream until very stiff. Fold into the white chocolate mixture, mixing well. This is your base to create the variations. After composing each, refrigerate until firm.
For the variations:
#1. Spoon some of the mousse into a lovely glass bowl, cover with a thin layer of ruby red jelly (home made pomegranate jelly is a fine choice) then top with a second layer of mousse. Garnish with fresh raspberries.
#2. Grate dark mint chocolate (70% cacao) and fold into the white mousse. Garnish with mint leaves and candied rose petals.
# 3. Make a pistachio brittle by placing 1/4 c. of pistachios into a non-stick shallow pan with 2 T. sugar. Turn heat to medium-high, and constantly stir until the sugar melts, caramelizes and adheres to the nuts. Turn out immediately onto a lightly oiled pan or stretch of foil. While still warm, spread out into small clusters of 3-4 nuts, and then arrange the warm clusters into decorative formations to crown the mousse.
This white chocolate mousse recipe borrows liberally from instructions found in The Good Housekeeping Cookbook and The Joy of Cooking.