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nutman [1]Right before Thanksgiving the New York Times warned us that “Ill-timed rain, marauding animals and a growing love affair between the Chinese middle class and the pecan has resulted in the worst pecan supply in recent memory. As a result, grocery store prices are up by about 30 percent…” (No Pecans? Thank China, rain and pigs. [2])

Papershell pecans [3]Which is how we found ourselves by the side of Skinker Blvd. in St. Louis this winter. We pulled over for this colorful Arkansas rustic and his dirty, dented van with a hand-scrawled sign: PeCans.

From his neighbor’s yard, he said.

At only four dollars a pound, or three for $10, the nuts were real beauties, 2″ or longer. They are the paper shell variety, easy to crack just by rolling the nuts against each other in the palm of your hand.

And very sweet. Lovely to look at, lovely to eat.  I’ll be looking out for you next winter Mr. Nutman!

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