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[1]Tortilla + cheese + heat = Quesadilla.  Pretty hard to get yourself in trouble with this equation. Of course few people stop at cheese only. Peppers, salsa, chorizo, scallions, avocado, lobster… anything goes — Wheee! Still, this particular venison quesadilla recipe is a little bit renegade. Unexpected and unquestionably Simply Spectacularly Delicious.

Rest assured, this combo is another one of those it's-so-crazy-it-just-might-work assemblages. (Remember our misgivings about the avocado and soy sauce in Chocolate Mousse of the Gods [2]? Same deal here.)

Dennis's venison [3] turned out to be the gift that kept on giving. After our elegant roast, we had plenty of leftovers for these A+ quesadillas.

Chopstix's chef Hugh Carpenter introduced me to Q.s layered with papaya, brie and well-sauced shredded barbecue. A home run. But then along came grilled lamb leftovers which stood proxy for the barbecue.  In the best Eve Harrington tradition, the old star was kicked to the curb and lamb claimed the lead role thereafter.

Well shove over little lamb — venison outshines you. Addison DeWitt has spoken! (If these Eve Harrington and Addison DeWitt references have left you scratching your head, check out All About Eve on IMDB [4].)

The number of quesadillas you'll be able to make are directly proportionate to the amount of meat you have. Use venison, papaya and Brie in roughly equal measure; balance the jalapeño and with a comparable amount of scallion.

Leftover roasted venison, sliced
Ripe papaya, sliced
Good brie, sliced (rind included)
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Chopped scallions (white and green)
Flour tortillas

A note about the slicing — the meat should be bit sized so match the fruit and cheese to that.

Butter or use cooking spray to lubricate a cookie sheet or baking pan. First tortilla down.  Arrange the venison, papaya and brie in equal proportions. Then the peppers and scallions equally distributed. Top with a second tortilla. Press down to smash it all together. Then spread a little more butter or a spritz of cooking spray (yes, a dirty little secret of mine — not flavored, just regular, it works).

350° oven for 10 minutes — until the top is golden brown and crisp.  Some brie will have oozed out. Scrape up that melted cheese along with the quesadilla onto the serving plate.

Slice.  Eat.  Look in the mirror to see your expression of delighted surprise and contentment.